
Hands of Light

Close your eyes, and press the thumbs. You will see that you will feel all the other tips of the fingers; avoid it. Concentrate only, where the two thumbs are touching. It needs practice. Take off completely all your attention from the other fingers and concentrate only there. Of course it needs time, and practice, and if you fix the ether just where you want: fix it. After having -say- ten breaths, press the other two fingers, concentrate only there, and take off your attention from the other fingers. Concentrate only there. Take -say- another five deep breaths, then, the other two fingers, the third finger of the hand. Press them a little, feel them and try not to feel the fourth fingers, take off your concentration from all other fingers, and concentrate only on the fingers you are pressing then. Take other -say- five breaths, then only little fingers. Press them, this is more difficult than the others, just to disentangle yourself from concentrating on the other fingers. Now, press the two little fingers and feel them only. Another five breaths. Keep the fingers touching, feel them all now, press them all, and feel them all. Then you will stop it, and do it after a while, two or three times. Now concentrate separately on the fingers. Those playing piano, or violin – for them it’s easier, it’s not easy for the others.

Another exercise:

Touching the tips of the fingers, feel the space in between. And now, I have also to use the impressive ether, imagination, call it – creative thought I am calling it. See it, that among the two hands, the palms, there is a ball of light – white, and warm, feel the heat. It is not difficult. You can feel the heat, there. See with your thought a ball of white light in the palms, white light, but you can feel it as solid, as a ball, white ball, solid, but radiating this light, see it, it’s not difficult. Take five or ten breaths, then see, that that white light becomes yellow light, yellow – I don’t want the mustard yellow, I want canary yellow. Just as you see it in the symbol of the tree there. I want a canary yellow ball of light. Take five or ten breaths again, and see the yellow light becoming rose-white light. See it on the symbol of life there, the white-rose light – it’s easy. Another five or ten breaths and then see that ball of light becoming white-blue light, azure light, you see that there on the symbol of life. This color you can see it on there. Well, it’s not difficult to so that. Now you see that ball of light becoming red, like fire. You’re holding in your hands now mental fire. See it, don’t be afraid. Feel more the heat in your hands. They are supposed to become healing hands. Whenever you touch them, you can heal people. Now, see your hands colored. See the ball of light again in between the palms white, and see your hands feeling them, feel the tips touching white, as if you’re wearing a glove of white color. See them snow-white, radiating light. Now you will feel them more after this practice. You concentrate in the hands from the elbows to between the palms becoming emerald-green. See the hands emerald-green, and see the light there emerald-green. Five or ten breaths. Now see the hand azure-bluish like the sky and the ball of light in between the palms having that color. Now, see the hands yellowish, and the ball of light in between the palms see it yellow, canary yellow. See your hands red, as if painted with red paint, red, blood-red. And the ball of light inside your hands: red color. Take another five or ten breaths. Then put your hands on your chest near your heart. See how I do it. Without disentangle them, only the first, the thumbs, put on your chest. Take deep breaths, and the energy must go in the lungs. While keeping your hands on your chest like that, take now deep breath consciously feeling the air entering in your lungs, breath deeply, and see the energy without any color now, feel it in your lungs.

Do this exercise every day, if you can, if you want to become a psychotherapist.

Now, keep your hands joined like that, and repeat it with your etheric hands, while having your hands joined like that on the solar plexus, see that two hands are coming up and see them with your impressive ether. See them snow-white. Withdraw them in your physical hands. Spread them again in front of you and see them as before the finger tips-touching. Try to see this etheric hand, feel it, I said snow-white, radiating light. See in between the palms of your etheric hands the snow-white color and the etheric hands becoming yellow, canary yellow.

This is practicing with the imprinting ether, and the sensate ether.   While feeling them, you are feeling your material hands, and go.back to the etheric hands, and forget your material hands touching the solar plexus. See your etheric hands as you realize you can see them, and feel them. See the hands red, like the blood. See them red, and see the light in the palms red, radiating from your hands outside. I want the blood color as red color. In each case just have five or ten breaths, quietly, calmly, deep, comfortable breaths. Now, see the hands emerald-green, and also the ball of light, the etheric hands, emerald-green. Five or ten breaths. Now, as you have done with your material hands, do it with your etheric hands. You have four hands now, two material full of those of the etheric double, but you have also these etheric hands. Bring them near your heart and do, what you have done with your material hands. Touch them on the breast and get the energy in your lungs. Now, you feel having four hands, the esthetic ether is in both hands now, the material hands and the etheric hands. Lower down your etheric hands and put them in your material hands. Now you have two hands, not four. Take five or ten deep breaths, and feel now your material hands, the esthetic ether should be in the material hands and the etheric hands in the material hands. You can do this exercise every morning as soon as you wake up. This is the time you can do it most successfully for some time, a long time, deeply breathing, and then, after -say- a month, you will feel your etheric hands. Inside your material hands and outside your material hands. You need these etheric hands, because when you have just to do what I am doing, to have repairs on the spine of somebody, it is not just a snake-like shape the spine, but it goes in and out also. You have to put the etheric hands in, semi-materialize them, And push towards you outside the spine. So you must work with four hands. You have seen me working, you saw only the two hands. I was working with the four hands at the time, two inside and two outside. By practice you will gain skill. You are playing piano. By long practice, you will master your fingers and play nicely a piece. Don’t expect from the very first exercises to be successful. Skill comes after long practice, and I said sincerity with yourselves. You must be sincere with yourself, I said I will do this exercises and don’t find clever tricks either stop it or find easier ways, because that will not help. That means sincerity with yourself. Be sincere with exercises. This is a good exercise for the psychical healers to do.

The etheric vitality is classified into four distinct characteristics – creative, sensate, imprinting and kinetic

creative ether builds and maintains all the forms and phenomena of life

imprinting ether is used to shape etheric vitality

sensate ether is the “feeling giving” ether 

kinetic ether facilitates motion