
Gabriel's Protection

Protection by Archangel Gabriel’s Serenity


Begin with Preliminary Meditation and continue with exercise below…

With  your etheric eyes, see yourself standing with your arms extended to your sides and your legs apart.  Breathe deeply and call the gentle Archangel Gabriel.

Raise both etheric arms above your head and have them meet to form a point.  Visualize Gabriel’s sky-blue light emanating from your etheric hands… see, feel and hear the light pour from your hands as you construct the five-pointed star on your etheric double.   From the point above your head, simultaneously lower your right arm down to your right foot and your left arm down to your left foot, marking two straight diagonal lines of bright sky-blue light.   Next, raise both etheric hands to extend off their opposite side – the left hand goes off the right side, while the right extends off the left side – creating two straight intersecting lines.   Breathe deeply… you have your arms crossed over your heart center with your etheric hands projecting streams of sky-blue light about two feet off each side.  Unfold your etheric arms and extend them off their sides to form a horizontal line level with your shoulders.  


You are now surrounded by a five pointed star of sky-blue light… your etheric double is shining with in it.  

Breathe deeply… be aware of Gabriel’s calming and comforting presence in you, and his protective shield around you. .   .  “I am Gabriel, that stands in the presence of God”  (Luke 1:19)  

Thank Gabriel for the peace and protection he offers.  A large six-pointed star of golden light forms and surrounds the five-pointed star… “Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye starts of light.” (Ps. 148.3)

Let the exercise continue.  Breath deeply and slowly return to your material body.